Workout Anytime Greg Maurer Season allergies to pollen and mold seem to get more and more prevalent each year with progressively more severe symptoms in sufferers. […]
Workout Anytime Greg Maurer As we age our brains tend to shrink known as brain atrophy. This brain shrinkage is linked to declining brain function and […]
Workout Anytime Greg Maurer We usually consume caffeine for the energy boost it provides, but for the plants that produce it, caffeine serves as a pesticide […]
Workout Anytime Greg Maurer Everyone knows that exercise is good for the body, but formal exercise is not the whole story! This becomes particularly important as […]
Workout Anytime Greg Maurer While not a panacea exercise can really help reduce inflammation and pain. Exercising muscles directly oppose the pro-inflammatory signal produced by the […]
Workout Anytime Greg Maurer Clue: If you want to make your resolution come true — willpower won’t get you there! “Willpower is for people who are still […]