Reviving the Great Experiment

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By Sen. David Bullard
Without question, we live in the most exceptional country the world has ever known. I am proud to be an American and I’m proud of our founding principles and documents, which have guided us for 244 years. If followed, they are the best and most successful way any nation has ever been governed in human history.
Currently, our nation’s identity and freedoms hang in the balance and are in crisis. The divide of ideals and principals in this country are the greatest I’ve seen in my lifetime. We are fast approaching a crossroads of whether our future generations will keep their freedoms. Will we remain a nation founded on the idea of individual rights and freedoms or do we become a nation of people who are dictated by the political elites who seek to control our lives? Will we remain a nation of free market capitalism that allows an individual to use their God-given talents to achieve success? Or will we become a nation of collectivism; allowing socialist minded con-artists to take our financial freedom with bait and switch, and disperse it in the false name of charity?
I know many of you are concerned about the accuracy of our most recent election. The number of abnormalities in several states is alarming, and I share your concern. However, take heart and know the fight for election integrity is not over, and I will not stop fighting. If every legal vote is counted and the Biden/Harris ticket wins, I will accept that result. However, if illegal votes were counted, then your vote and mine have been replaced by an illegitimate attempt to steal the election. 
Because of this, I will continue to fight the shadow that looms over this election to protect our sacred vote. This requires that we remain diligent about why and how this may have happened. Just as I have pushed for Oklahoma First in our economy, I will push to keep our freedoms first and intact as well.  Do not give up on our country!
There has been some talk of secession, I urge you to not give up on this great nation by accepting this action, which will destroy our Republic. We will follow the system created by our founders, their principles, their intellect, their reliance on God’s wisdom and word to maintain America’s greatness. We will also work tirelessly to ensure that the next election will bear the light of transparency.
Know this, I love my country, my state, my family, my church family, and I love you. It is why I fight and will continue to fight for Oklahomans first. A Republic needs Her people to believe in revival. I will not give up on my country, and I ask you to do the same. Together, we will revive this exceptional country.
To contact me at the Capitol, please write to Senator David Bullard, State Capitol, 2300 N. Lincoln Blvd. Room 443, Oklahoma City, OK, 73105, email me at, or call (405) 521-5586.

1 Comment

  1. Ellen Walker says:

    Very impressive and historically correct! Keep on the narrow path.