Please help us congratulate Brady Holaday for winning a 2022 $500 Focus Forward Scholarship from WoodmenLife!
Brady is a 2021 Graduate of Durant High School in Durant, Okla. He has been involved in Taekwondo since he was 9 years old and achieved his 3rd Degree Blackbelt during his high school years.
He has participated in FCA and BPA and was a member of the Pride of Durant High School Band. He played the french horn, mellophone, and trumpet and was a section leader his senior year.
Brady helps in his community by providing meals during the holidays for those in need and helps deliver meals with Meals-on-Wheels. He is currently attending Freed-Hardeman University with the goal of becoming a preacher. The emphasis of his studies is on mission work. He is also seeking a master’s degree in Marriage & Family Counseling.
Congratulations Brady! We look forward to seeing all you accomplish in the future!