Caddo Community Association shares May, June 2024 events

Photo courtesy of Mary Maurer. Caption: L to R Front row: Judy Rowland, Betty Carner, Dorthy McGrath, Wilma Swader, Flodell Brewer, Julia Hider, Sandy Hallmark, Jeweldean Adair. Second row, behind Flodell: Tommy Jean Edward's, Sylvia Lorance; Back row: Linda Combrink, Jerry Combrink, Gary Maurer, Margaret Joines, Clifford Joines, Ann Dufur, Janell Lackey (hidden from view, Carolyn Combrink Thomas) Dean Wingfield, Harold Wingfield, Everett Stanley, Bonnie O'Hern, Brenda Rowland. Attended but Not pictured: Roy O'Hern, Marion Ogle.

By Karen Maple

On May 18, 2024, the Caddo Community Association (CCA) held its annual end of school bash – an event the group revived several years ago. Volunteers handed out free glow jewelry to attendees to highlight this year’s theme “Firefly Boggie” during the family-friendly street dance.

People of all ages danced to music provided by local DJ Austin Hider, who provided a variety of music that everyone could enjoy. In addition to dancing, residents and out-of-towners enjoyed visiting with old friends and meeting with new ones.

Attendees also enjoyed refreshments from local vendors and were able to take a break and rest on downtown benches or the seating lining the street-dance activities.

Several attendees commented on how they look forward to the family event every year.

On Saturday, June 1, the CCA held its annual 80’s and 90’s dinner to honors the history of Caddo through its citizens. This year’s banquet, which recognized those who live in or have ties to the Caddo community, was held at the Nazarene Church in Caddo. Attendees received corsages as they entered the festive room while volunteers prepared to serve a dinner of pastas, rolls, and salad, followed by an ice cream sundae bar.

CCA member Holli Taylor and MC for the event, shared highlights of the attendees lives while recognizing every 80 and 90-year old in attendance. One of the highlights of the evening was when Taylor requested two women in their 90s, sit with her in the front of the room for a public interview. They entertained the audience with childhood memories and experiences of long ago.

Entertainment was also provided by local singers Alexis and Addison Karn, who sang several songs, including leading the crowd into singing Happy Birthday to one of the guests.

Throughout the evening guests had the pleasure of running into old friends – many of whom they had not seen in some time and the room was filled with laughter and memories.

Baker said this has been an annual even for over 20 years. She added it is “becoming increasingly difficult to locate people eighty years old and up, because so many people have given up their landline phones.”

This is one of many events the CCA holds throughout the year to recognize those who are an intricate part of the Caddo community and history. Members of the group said they are always recruiting for local churches and volunteers which are crucial to the success of every event. Baker encourages anyone interested in helping or being a part of CCA or community events to call her at 580-367-0358.

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