#ShopCalera – Gallipot Pharmacy

Photo provided.

The Patriot continues with the weekly feature, #ShopCalera, highlighting businesses around the Calera area. With construction starting soon that will disrupt the normal flow of traffic through the area and have other challenging effects on the town, it is important to keep our local businesses and organizations at the forefront of our minds and support our towns and county during this time and beyond.

Business presented by KTC.

Today’s featured business: Gallipot Pharmacy. Owner/operator Josiah Schomer said he came to Calera because it is growing and that he liked the feeling of the town.

“I am from Bryan County so this was an ideal place for me to come and start my own independent practice after working in hospitals for years,” Schomer said.

“I love Calera. I’ve played basketball against the Calera Bulldogs many times back in the day. Really love the feel of this town. Everybody has been very welcoming to us and our new business and that’s exactly what I expected because these are my kind of people.”

The pharmacy opened on Dec. 10 and has four employees.

Schomer said the business is gradually expanding its services all the time to take care of more and more people in the area.

“We can do compound, we can do delivery,” Schomer said. We’re just a one-stop shop for health care combined with the Urgent care next door. I think we have a friendly, hometown feel in our pharmacy. We’re very personable and we’d like to welcome anybody in the area to come and fill their scrips with us – even outside the area.

“We’re picking up lots of steam and encourage everyone to be a part of it.”

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