OSDH launches online portal for easy COVID-19 vaccine registration


OKLAHOMA CITY — The State Department of Health announced the launch of an online registration portal to help Oklahomans determine when they are eligible to receive the vaccine and how to schedule an appointment when it is their turn. It is now online and ready for use.

The online portal serves as a point of registration for Oklahomans who choose to receive the vaccine to determine their eligibility within each priority group and provide contact information to OSDH for updates and notifications when it is their turn to receive the vaccine.

“This is an exciting step, as we now have the opportunity to vaccinate larger priority groups in Oklahoma,” said Dr. Lance Frye, State Commissioner of Health. “We know Oklahomans are eager to find out when and where they can get the vaccine, and we’re thankful for their patience as our team quickly works to develop innovative solutions. We’re hopeful that the launch of this portal will ease confusion and create a seamless experience for all Oklahomans.”

OSDH is exploring additional options for individuals who are not able to access the internet or a computer. At this time, the agency recommends consulting with a friend or family member for assistance, or calling the local county health department or 211 hotline.

Efficient progress through the distribution plan relies on the supply of vaccine doses available and the ability to make them accessible to additional priority groups by distributing to local providers. As the state continues to receive supply and set up additional access points in communities, they will continue to have the ability to serve additional population groups.

To provide increased access, OSDH is initiating vaccination “PODS” or Points of Dispensing Sites across the state where individuals who are set to begin receiving the vaccine can do so safely in the coming weeks. Individuals can look to the OSDH website for official COVID-19 related information.

“We have always planned to roll out the vaccine in an overlapping manner versus waiting for 100% completion of one group before starting another,” said OSDH Deputy Commissioner Keith Reed. “This helps ensure efficient use of resources to maximize available vaccine and vaccinators. Moving into a new priority group does not close the door on the previous groups, it simply adds another opportunity for more vaccinations.”

The registration portal will serve as a tool to help eligible Oklahomans find more information on when and where to receive the vaccine and registering information online will not reserve individuals a spot on any kind of list. Appointment availability is dependent on vaccine supply in each county.

Vaccine Plan Reminder

There is no list for Oklahomans to be added to in order to be included in the state’s phased approach to vaccine distribution. However, for up-to-date, detailed information about the vaccine distribution plan and the priority populations included in each phase, please visit oklahoma.gov/COVID19 or call 2-1-1. In addition, for updates on Oklahoma’s vaccine distribution progress, follow OSDH on social media:

  • On Facebook: facebook.com/OklahomaHealth
  • On Twitter: @HealthyOklahoma and @OKVaccine
  • On Instagram: @HealthyOklahoma

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