Monday Motivation

By Sierra Kovash

What do you do when no one shows? Well… you are allowed to be upset. You are allowed to be mad, sad, frustrated, all of it. You are not allowed to let it define you though.
You aren’t allowed to give up because other people didn’t pull through for you. Let me tell you something, YOU pulled through. You did everything you were supposed to do, you kept your word.
There are people out there who give their all, very day, without fail. Those people love with everything they have. They push with every ounce they possess. Those are the people who get their hearts broken the most. You know what though, those people have something special. They have resilience. They will be the ones in the nursing home leading the crowd in a sing-along. They will be the president of the OFWKFTLK CLub “Old Folks Who Knit For Three Legged Kittens” (they might be the only member), but they will be at every meeting.
Those people are the dreamers, the do-gooders, the believers, the helpers, the peacemakers. Those people inspire. They lead by example and not by words. You will see them with bells on at 6 a.m. picking up trash at a trash-off, and at midnight cleaning tables after an event they have planned for six months. A lot of times you will notice that that person is the same exact human.
Integrity is the word that comes to mind when I think of these people. I don’t think it is a learned trait, but a heart trait. We should all strive to be the best we can be, be the most authentic we can be, and as honest we can be; with ourselves and others.

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