Looking for youth who take a stand

Photo credit: Aaron Burden, Unsplash.

Texoma Financial Services, in conjunction with the Bryan County Patriot, is wanting to promote the youth of today who stand up for the faith in which they believe.

We need your help. Let us know about students who are walking out their faith so we can share their stories with others to encourage their peers.

Ronnie Walters, owner of Texoma Financial Services, said he is looking to finance a scholarship for those youth are willing to stand up for their belief in Christ as an example to the kids and adults and more.

“It’s something we can do in this country that we still have the freedom to do,” Walters said. “It seems like in today’s society, people are scared to do that, to show their beliefs. And so we want to recognize those kids – whether it be elementary, high school, college – we want them to know it’s not a bad thing to stand up for what you believe.

“It’s not something to be shunned or looked down on. It’s something to celebrate. That’s why we want to do a scholarship, as a way to give back.”

People can submit their stories to the Patriot at joey@bryancountypatriot.com.

Depending upon the number of stories submitted, those recognized could be recognized for their stand at the end of the school year with a monetary.

“Whether it is helping a teacher with his or her day, or helping a kid who is standing over in a corner crying.

“The monetary amount could vary depending upon the amount of stories received, but I still want to recognize every one of the kids. I don’t care how important it feels to you or me, but for that kiddo, I want them to understand that somebody sees that. Whatever they did may change somebody’s life.”

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