Durant ISD reveals P.L.A.N. for reopening school

The Durant Independent School District on Monday released a document to give parents an idea of what returning to in-person education in August may look like.

The guidelines to Provide Learning Access Nonstop (P.L.A.N.) is available online and can be read HERE.

The P.L.A.N. provides some details, responses, flowcharts and more and gives parents information with which they can familiarize themselves in preparation to send students back to classroom settings.

Among points of emphasis to take from the document are:

  • Daily health screenings will be required for both students and staff
  • Bus transportation will still be available
  • No school-wide assemblies or off-campus field trips (Both of which could be reinstated when it is safe to do so.)

Additionally, at this point masks will not yet be required, according to the P.L.A.N. In it, page 8 reads:

“One of the other big takeaways from our district survey was that most parents did not want their students to be required to wear masks. Therefore, this is an allowable component, but not a required one. However, if the city, state or Department of Education mandates the wearing of masks, the district will adhere to those guidelines. All faculty and staff will be provided a mask and face shield, which they can choose to wear or not. All nurses will be fully equipped with personal protective equipment which they will be required to wear since they are the people that will be in close contact with students or staff members who might be exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms.”

It also provides for two pathways to access the education: traditional or virtual only.

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