By Joey McWilliams
DURANT – When Josh Breechen’s time as the state senator from Oklahoma District 6 is done in 2018, the list has been forming of those who would like to succeed him in that spot.
Looking to keep that position filled by a Republican, David Bullard of Durant announced his candidacy for the seat in August.
News presented by First United Bank.
Bullard, a history and government teacher, will run on the Republican ticket. Currently, one other person has declared an intention to pursue the soon-to-be-open seat as Jon Hazell recently announced he will run on the Democratic ticket.
Bullard, who has been in the classroom for 14 years and has also for several years been teaching adult education classes on the Constitution, said he has decided to take on this civil responsibility and that he feels he has the skills to do what is necessary.
“I know that I am a problem-solver,” Bullard said. “Within the classroom, it is what teachers do every day – we solve problems.
“Beyond that I feel like this is a calling. I have been praying about this decision for three years. I feel like this is what God has challenged me to do. I am well-equipped with the expertise in our government as well as having the grit to get the job done in a time that leadership is much needed. I understand how our government is set up so that citizen-governing is a necessity.
“’We The People’ are the ones who must get a handle on our government and control it. My governing philosophy is to use wise counsel. I am very knowledgeable about schools and how good school systems work. But Proverbs 12 says, ‘In an abundance of counselors there is safety.’ I plan to use the expertise of the people around me to make good decisions and to be a highly effective Senator.”
Education seems to be a theme in this year’s senate election. Bullard was the Denison ISD Teacher of the Year in 2016. He also won Outstanding Teacher of American History by the Daughters of the American Revolution in 2017. He has been married to Amber (Russell) Bullard for 15 years and they have two daughters, Lydia and Abby.
He earned a bachelor’s degree in social studies education from Southeastern Oklahoma State University and has a master’s degree in school administration. He is a deacon of Fairview Baptist Church in Durant, as well as the treasurer of his church and his family are long time residents of Bryan County with a history in ranching, construction, and beekeeping.
Bullard said he understands there are many issues the state is dealing with, including education, for which he said he has plans.
“We have to secure learning in Oklahoma for our students and for untold millions of students in our areas, yet to come,” Bullard said. “Obviously, we have to get our teachers a raise, but we must not stop there. I have also worked hard at not just complaining and identifying problem but having solutions to those problems. I have a four-point plan for Oklahoma education called “A 4mula for Education” that will begin the process of restoring Oklahoma education.
“We also have to pay attention to an out of control bureaucracy that is robbing the future of our kids. Limited government, as the founders created it, means that we must control our spending and put education as a priority in our budget process. Therein lies another problem, when budgets are made behind closed doors, without input from all representation, corruption will inevitably follow. That can and must change.
He addressed water as one of the greatest treasures of Oklahoma and hit on a litany of other issues that he said warrants attention and is the reason he is choosing to seek office.
“Water is being taken from our area without any regard to our county economies or well-being. There is a constitutional fix for this as well.
“Our freedom of religious conscience is in jeopardy of being overrun by people who do not understand the first amendment and who wish to shred this fundamental right. Our second amendment equivalent is so weakly written that under poor leadership, most of our second amendment rights could be taken away.
“Abortion is rampant in our state. I am an abolitionist and will stand for those who cannot stand for themselves. There is a constitutional fix for that, as well. Our agriculture in Oklahoma is under attack by an out-of-control EPA that must be stood up to or our farmers and ranchers will all be put out of business.
“With so many issues that need to be worked on, we must have strong willed leaders in our legislature. That is why I am running.”
Bullard said he has spent many years studying the Christian and Constitutional heritage of our country and researching the words of the founding generation on that subject.
“I am amazed at how wise our founders were in how they built our government. It is the biggest reason why I have become such a student of the Constitution. When you hear me talk, you will usually hear me speak in terms of what the Constitution says and what our founders had to say about why they did it.”
His platform is called ‘LEAD’, which stands for Limited Government, Excellence in Education, Abolition of Abortion, and Dedication to Liberty.
For more information, Bullard encouraged people to visit his Facebook page and his website