71st Gardner Reunion held this summer

Pictured are: Harold Gardner, Jimmy Llyod, and Kenneth Gardner. Photo courtesy Gardner Family.

Descendants of Jeremiah and Clarissa (LeFlore) Gardner all gathered June 16, 2024, at Old Church in Bennington, Okla., where the event has been held for 71 years. Clarissa (LeFlore) Gardner was the daughter of Rebecca (Cravat) LeFleur. She was also the sister of Greenwood LeFlore. Clarissa and Jeremiah came to the Choctaw Nation in 1833 on the Trail of Tears.

In attendance were 40 people, including children. Kenneth Gardner received an award for the oldest person to attend. Harold Gardner received an award for the largest family. David Gardner received the youngest family member award. Tyler Gardner received the farthest traveled award.

The present slated officers were re-elected:
David Gardner, president; Tyler Gardner, vice president; and Pearl Seaboy (Gardner), secretary.

The Gardner family will start issuing out biannual newsletters. Anyone who is a descendant of Jeremiah and Clarissa (LeFlore) Gardner or a family friend is encouraged to sign up for the newsletter by sending an email to gardnerfamilyandfriendsreunion@gmail.com

The Gardner Family would like to invite family and friends to next year’s 72nd Family Reunion to be held on June 15, 2025, at Old Church in Bennington, Okla.

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